All payments are due in full by the due date.
A 10% late fee will be assessed on all payments not posted 15 days past the due date.
Please reach out to KADDI program for any additional questions about tuition costs.
Compensation and Loan Deferments Policy
The Keith & Associates Distance Dietetic Internship (KADDI) program does not offer financial aid, scholarships, stipends, or compensation to enrolled students and does not participate in federal student financial assistance programs. While some lenders may allow loan deferment during the internship, this is not guaranteed.
Upon request, after the signed enrollment agreement and first tuition payment are received, KADDI will provide:
An official letter detailing enrollment dates, program accreditation, and licensure status.
A statement confirming the program’s alignment with supervised practice requirements for RDN exam eligibility.
A link to resources on deferment and forbearance for federal student aid.
A blank in-school deferment request form.
A scanned document with program start and end dates, signed by the program director.​
Please note: Any external financing, such as private bank loans, must be secured prior to accepting an internship position.